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يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف

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يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف

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هام - التقرير الخاص بك في قائمة الانتظار قد يستغرق ما يصل إلى 12 ساعة حتى يظهر تقريرك على صفحتنا الرئيسية (إذا لم يتم اختياره كخاص)

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مراسلتنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني على support@safelyhq.com إذا كانت لديك أسئلة.


Safety Report: مضخات ضخ Sigma الطيف - استدعى بسبب الانحرافات عن طرق التنظيف المحددة قد يضعف مضخة التسريب, USA

منذ 3 سنوات source fda.gov

Recall notice

United States

Company name: Baxter International Inc.
Brand name: Sigma Spectrum
Product recalled: Infusion Pumps
Reason of the recall: Deviations from the specified cleaning methods may impair infusion pump
FDA Recall date: October 29, 2020
Recall details: Baxter International Inc. announced today it has issued an Urgent Device Correction to reinforce important safety information regarding cleaning practices of all Spectrum infusion pumps distributed in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean, as deviations from the specified cleaning methods may impair infusion pump functionality and performance. Baxter previously communicated this information to customers directly in a Safety Alert on April 1, 2020 and subsequently via an Urgent Device Correction notification on August 28, 2020.

Deviations from the cleaning methods described in product-specific Operator’s Manuals may lead to residue buildup or corrosion of the electrical pins (e.g. depressed pins) on the infusion pump rear case and battery electrical contacts. This could result in notifications that the user should check the battery, or that batteries are not charging or holding their charge. If a device has residue buildup or corrosion, and is running solely on battery power, the pump may shut down without alarming or alerting the user. An undetected or abrupt discontinuation in medication delivery may lead to a delay or interruption of intended treatment. Depending on various factors, including the medication being infused, the volume and rate of the infusion, the route of administration, and patient status and comorbidities, this could result in serious adverse health consequences or death.

To date, Baxter has received 16 reports of serious injuries that may have resulted from improper cleaning practice-related residue buildup and/or corrosion. In addition to adhering to the cleaning instructions provided in the Operator’s Manuals for the products listed below, Baxter is instructing customers to assess the rear case electrical pins and battery electrical contacts for residue buildup or corrosion and depressed pins. Baxter is also recommending to have backup devices readily available when infusing critical medications. Additionally, the infusion pumps should be connected to AC power when possible to prevent battery depletion.

Finally, Baxter will be clarifying the Instructions for Use (IFU) to recommend a routine inspection to identify signs of residue buildup, corrosion and depressed pins. Once completed, Baxter will issue a written notification to inform customers of the availability of the updated IFU, which will be accessible in Baxter’s Global Technical E-Service Center: service.baxter.com.

Check the full recall details on www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/baxter-issues-urgent-device-correction-reinforce-important-safety-information-regarding-cleaning

Source: FDA

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أحدث التقارير المثيرة للاهتمام

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باقة من كيري نون, Bloomington, IN, USA

منذ 3 أيام reported by user-jgbpk368 تفاصيل

تلقيت طردًا من كيري نون. لم أتعرف على الاسم أو العنوان. بحثت عن كيري نون، ووجدت هذا الموقع، لذلك اكتشفت أنني قد تعرضت للخداع بطريقة ما. فتحت الحزمة، لأنني استطعت أن أقول إن شيئًا ما كان في الصندوق المسطح. كان داخل الصندوق لوحة جدارية معدنية («مع الله… شاهد المزيد

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أريد أن أعرف كيف حصلوا على معلوماتي ومن أذن بذلك؟ هذه خدعة الصراخ لاختراق حسابي. سأسعى بالتأكيد للحصول على مساعدة قانونية بشأن هذه المسألة.

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آخر 30 يومًا