Safety Report: Coronavirus Symptoms, Montreal, QC, Canada
4 years ago •reported by user-bdqkz999
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
So today my partner and I decided to go get checked for Covid19. We have had symptoms that corresponds to those of Covid19 infection for a few weeks now. I don't personally get sick often and when I do, it last no more then a few days.We called 811 last week and were told to go get a consultation if the symptoms were to get worse. So we did just that and went to a clinic that is said to be a "testing clinic" for Covid19... Now here is what happens when you want to get tested for Covid19 in Montreal...
We went there and at first it looked like we were going to be taken seriously and a test would be available for us. We were greeted and told to wash our hands and wear a mask, we obviously complied. We were then brought to another station and told not to walk around...
So far so good? We then met separately with the nurse at the "evaluation station". I went in after my partner and the nurse went on to tell me the following: *You know unless you have a direct CLOSE contact with a contaminated person you are not at risk of getting Covid19*
I shook my head not sure what to say since WHO
many statements contradict what the nurse just told me, she continued: *And even if you have it it won't kill you (smiling)* her smile then dropped and she corrected herself by saying this:
*Well unless you are a person at risk*
She didn't ask me for my medical history and didn't even ask me for my health card but she gave a piece of paper as to what to do if I think I have Covid19 symptoms... (I know it makes no sense) but then I understood what was really going on after this statement...
She continues:
*you can always get tested for the flu if you really really want but you won't get tested for Covid19 here... We don't have "THE TEST" you will have to call the 18776444545 to find out where you could get the test if you are worried about your symptoms"...
You see I explained to her that not only did my partner have contact with someone who potentially had Covid19 but my sister works at the airport for a company that refused them the right to wear protective gloves because it was not fashionable.
Me and my partner are both taking care of our parents that are part of the population at risk and it is extremely important for us to make sure we don't expose them to
Here is what happened next when we called the 18776444545...
We explained once again our symptoms and the fact that we were primary care giver to person at risk and were meet with silence and told may be to self isolate for a bit and not be in contact with anyone but NOTHING about the test.
So this is what happens when you want to get tested... Nothing happens. This is a world Pandemic not something to take slightly, if we don't want to experience what Italy is facing right now we need to wake up. We need to test everyone, a smile and a "candy" won't do the trick.
90% of people will have fever and other symptoms which leaves 10% of the population potentially not showing those obvious symptoms of Covid19. Turning people away is the biggest mistake we are doing today. We need to learn from our neighbors from around the world