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لقاحات Covid-19

There are currently 7 leading Covid-19 vaccines from major pharmaceutical companies in different stages of development. The vaccines use different mechanisms of action and all have some form of side effects ranging from mild to severe with common side effects including fever, headaches, muscle pain, and injection site reactions.

Here is a brief summary of each COVID-19 vaccine:

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine - 

Pfizer developed its COVID-19 mRNA 2 dose vaccine along with BioNTech and has shown an efficacy rate of 95% in clinical trials. It is close to being approved or has been approved for use in the UK, Europe, and the US. It is now being distributed in the UK and will be distributed in the US by the end of 2020. Major side effects are beginning to be reported from the UK vaccine recipients.

For more information about the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine click here

Moderna COVID-19 vaccine - 

Moderna’s 2 dose mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) is currently finishing Phase 3 trials and has shown a vaccine efficacy of 94.5%. The Moderna vaccine has shown mild to moderate side effects including chills, fevers, headache, shortness of breath, pain in the arm.

For more information about the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine click here

AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine -

AstraZeneca’s 2 doses COVID-19 vaccine was co-invented with the University of Oxford is in Phase 3 trials and has shown that it has an average efficacy of 70%. The vaccine uses a weakened version of a related virus with elements of the new virus carried along. The vaccine has shown side effects including fever, headaches, muscle pain, and injection site reactions, and all were deemed mild or moderate.

For more information about the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine click here

Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine -

Janssen: Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine is currently in Phase 3 trials and is being tested as a single dose and two-dose regimens. The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine is based on using a weakened version of a common cold virus with elements of the new virus carried along. The vaccine has induced local and systemic side-effects that are mild, to moderate and the trial was briefly paused after an experienced unexplained illness.

For more information about the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine click here

Novavax COVID-19 vaccine -

Novavax’s 2 dose COVID-19 vaccine is currently starting phase 3 clinical trials and the FDA has granted the vaccine Fast Track Designation. The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine uses protein subunit vaccine technology to an immune response. Side effects ranged from mild to severe and included pain at the site of injection, headaches, muscle pain, and fatigue.

For more information about the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine click here

Merck COVID-19 vaccine

Merck's COVID-19 vaccine started clinical trials in early September. The vaccine is being tested to be given orally in a single dose. The Merck COVID-19 vaccine is based on using a weakened version of a related virus with elements of the new virus carried along. The vaccine has just started clinical trials, so no side effects have been uncovered yet.

For more information about the Merck COVID-19 vaccine click here

Sanofi and GSK COVID-19 vaccine -

The Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline COVID-19 vaccine started an early phase clinical trial in early September. The vaccine is a two-dose recombinant protein vaccine with an adjuvant. With clinical trials just beginning for the Sanofi and GSK COVID-19 vaccine the side effects are still to be uncovered. Sanofi and GSK have also signed a deal with the Canadian government for 200 million doses.

For more information about the Sanofi + GSK COVID-19 vaccine click here

آخر 30 يومًا