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Selangor, Malaysia


Interview - SafelyHQ User in Malaysia:
This is a first hand account of the coronavirus situation in Malaysia. The user discusses a colleague's mother being infected, tested, and treatment as well as the situation in the country.

All right. I'm located in Petaling Jaya city in … 查看更多
Selangor in Malaysia.

Okay, thanks. And what's the scenario in, in your case, how has coronavirus impacted, or what's the experience that you've had?

Initially I thought it wasn't that bad because there were the only like 20 cases, so I thought with 20 cases, you actually just heal up then, it explode to about 50 or a hundred cases. And one of those cases actually affected a colleague's mother in my workplace. And so, we were all given the directive to self-quarantine immediately while the office was getting sanitized. The effect it has had, is a little bit surreal to know that it's coming very close, in terms of actually effecting one of the colleagues. But thankfully he has been tested negative so far so that's a good thing. So just after that, just last night or something, our prime minister declared a movement restriction order in that nonessentials services will be closed and things like it. So things are getting serious and we just had two deaths in the country. Two people have been killed by the virus. And that's a pretty profound and the statistics are climbing for us, like almost 700 people are affected by the virus. I do not know what is the full impact of the restriction order. How will it be enforced, whether there'll be any enforcement of the restrictive order. Some private premises have already started closing. There are closure notices everywhere and things like that. We see councils and staff that are issuing notices of which places they're closing, which places they're checking. Even my friend has a small restaurant and he's saying that it's only open for take away. So, it remains to be seen how these will really affect me and the community and things like that.

Do you know how testing worked for your colleague's mother, if she was able to get successfully tested and how that worked?

I do have an account of the experience, she checked into the hospital with some fever and they did an initial test on her. The test that she took, it takes two days to have results. So after two days, they knew that was positive and by that time it was like Tuesday or something like that, Tuesday or Wednesday. And then we got the news then I was immediately told to evacuate the office because he was in office on Monday for a few hours so they might be some contamination and things like that. So on the colleague's mother, after the test was done she was warded into the hospital, special ward and was taken care of. And so far only experiencing mild fever and things like that. And after that she was tested a second time and it was still positive. The son is negative, and so far well she still has the virus inside her. Yeah, it's already been two weeks and not this week. So, we are not sure what is going to happen.

Now that you're impacted by coronavirus, do you have any message to people, now that it's something you've experienced personally or any recommendations?

Okay. basically just stay away from large crowds. Stay within your own home if possible as much as possible. Only go out if you absolutely need to like get groceries done or get food or things like that, which is basically the aim of this movement control that we are having now. Basically that for individuals, do not travel, interstate or do not travel long distances back to your hometowns or homelands because that might cause the infection amongst other people who are older or elder, it's mostly the elderly people who get affected the most with the underlying conditions. However, one of the deaths in our country, is from a 34 year old men. Who didn't have any preexisting conditions. So that's actually quite scary. For this, I think the advice of staying away from people, and keeping checks on your health and practicing all the hygiene things, washing your hands for 20 seconds, wash up your hands and hand sanitizers and things like that

#coronaviruscovid19 #interviews #petalingjaya #selangor #my



我从美国亚利桑那州坦佩的 Imbrattatele 订购了一些泳衣。我在航行结束后收到了泳衣(应该在之前收到),现在想退货并获得退款,因为它们不合身。当尝试在线访问该公司时,该网站被报告为钓鱼网站,当尝试向其支持电子邮件地址发送通知时,该电子邮件将以无法送达为由退回,因此假设该网站现已关闭。

我曾多次尝试联系供应商,但没有得到回应。他们在我的一封电子邮件中发布的 “支持” 电子邮件一直以 “无法送达” 为由退还给我。该网站没有回复。那么现在我该怎么办?

公司的名字 “The Imbrattatele”。它在我的美国信用卡上显示为 “the-imbrattatele*UK”。我保存了消息、订单确认等。他们的客户服务电子邮件地址是 “customertocare”。他们使用这个作为他们的联系电子邮件地址,但是经过多次尝试我没有得到回复。 少看

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生酮骗局, Las Vegas, NV, USA

3周前 reported by user-qqydm833

今天已经把我的订单退回了。他们叫我去 UPS,去了,UPS 不配送到邮政信箱,退货花了我超过 15 美元。我只是希望他们足够诚实,可以退款给我。正如我告诉他们的那样,他们开始订购,网站说不接受我的信用卡,所以我把所有信息都拿出来了,但无论如何他们还是找到了我。远远超过 100 美元!


邮政信箱 81827
内华达州拉斯维加斯 89180
他们给了我参考编号 380b******
被录取真令人沮丧。我已经 69 岁了,我猜是个简单的目标。

我昨天和他们谈过,说他们在配送中心收到了我的退货,但我需要在下周 8 日到 10 日之间回电才能将我的账户存入账户。为什么?没有答案。

我给他们打了电话,说我必须支付 70 美元的补货费,我说我不会,他们的广告保证全额退款。她把它降到了35美元。我
只是放弃了说好,至少我会拿回超过 200 个,这超出了我的预期,但还是不公平。因此,我必须等待 8-10 天才能将退款存入我的账户。他们给了我一个退款参考号。不管它值多少钱
380B******。她的名字叫玛丽,是我唯一和她谈过话的人。对我来说闻起来很腥味,但我只是对这一切感到厌倦。非常感谢你的支持。艾米 少看

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3 月 24 日订购的本来应该是玻璃上的红衣主教的遮阳镜。有一张 6x8 的塑料照片!!!为此付了 30.95 美元 —— 他们利用退伍军人来做生意也是一种耻辱。这种情况必须停止!!!!!!!!!!!!!这是个骗局,有人向 BBB-its 举报了他们这样利用我们的退伍军人真是太可惜了。
杰里 (001)-YASF**** 少看

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