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Safety Reports: Haverhill, Massachusetts, United States


Recent Reports

Power Outage, Haverhill, Essex County, MA, USA

5 months ago source details

News Report

National Grid reported more than 8,500 customers statewide in the dark after an April wintry storm brought mixed precipitation and strong winds overnight. As of Wednesday morning, Apr 4 National Grid outage map showed about 16,076 customers affected in their Massachusetts service area. The estimated time for… See more

#nationalgrid #poweroutage #haverhill #massachusetts #us

Power Outage, Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA

1 year ago source details

News Report

Lincoln, which is powered by Eversource, also had a major outage, causing 37% of the town to go dark and affecting 975 people. Sharon, Haverhill, and Bourne also had significant outages, with 15%, 13%, and 17% of the municipalities losing power, respectively. Haverhill’s outage affected over 3,700… See more

#eversource #nationalgrid #poweroutage #haverhill #massachusetts #us

I recently attended a viewing. The staff greeters were not wearing masks. Each guest using pen for guest book not sanitizing. Social distancing not directed either by staff or guests. No verbal directions

#covid19violation #socialdistancing #309southmainstreet #haverhill #massachusetts #us

1) Employees not always wearing masks to help minimize spread of COVID-19. 2) Work surfaces are not being cleaned and disinfected to help minimize spread of COVID-19. 3) Work stations are not set up to ensure at least a 6 foot distance between co-workers to help minimize… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #1194mainstreet #haverhill #massachusetts #us