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Reportado por

Safety Report: Reclamação Covid-19 OSHA, Harris Teeter, 2800 S College Rd, Wilmington, North Carolina 28412, USA

há 4 anos negócios

Relatório Regulatório

2800 South College Road, Wilmington, 28412 North Carolina, United States

1. On or about June 21, 2020, the employer had a company come into the store and spray an unknown chemical due to their being a positive COVID-19 case. The workers spraying the chemical wore protective suits and masks and were spraying the chemical throughout the store around employees. The chemical was on pallet jacks, toilets, chairs and other surfaces. Employees asked management what the chemical was and were not told of the identity. They were told that it was used in other stores and that the employer did not think it was a problem. Employees later were told that the chemical was corrosive but dissipated in three minutes. Some employees experienced sore throats and skin rashes that may have been due to exposure to the unknown chemical.

2. Employees are not aware of the employer's written hazardous communication program nor are they provided safety data sheets "SDSs" for chemicals they are exposed to in the workplace to include the unknown chemical sprayed by the company for COVID 19.

3. The back receiving area is very hot, around 97 degrees; and employees have not been provided information on signs and symptoms of heat stress; and means of preventing heat stress and other heat related illness through their heat stress prevention program.

Source: | Receipt Date: 2020-07-07 | Sintomas: Erupção cutânea, Dor de garganta

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #harristeeter #southcollegeroad #wilmington #northcarolina #unitedstates

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