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Safety Reports: Prichard, Alabama, United States


On September 3, 2023 I was charged $48.18 from ABT max discount which I thought was for a swimming pool. Of course, it turned out to be a scam and I haven’t been able to get any of my money back or even know where to start… See more

#scam #onlineshopping #uspostalservice #delivery #onlinescam #prichard #alabama #unitedstates

Power Outage, W Clark Ave, Prichard, AL, USA

1 year ago source details

News Report

The City of Prichard wants citizens around West Clark Ave that Alabama Power Company will be performing line work in the area on Wednesday April 19, 2023, from approximately 8:00am to 5:00pm. Alabama Power Company estimate the duration of this planned outage to be around 09:00 hours.… See more

#poweroutage #alabamapower #westclarkavenue #prichard #alabama #unitedstates

Power Outage, Prichard, AL, USA

2 years ago source details

News Report

There is a large power outage in Prichard. The information given on the page says roughly1,910 customers are being affected.

Outage link:
Published: 2022 04 11

#poweroutage #alabamapower #prichard #alabama #unitedstates

1. Employees are exposed to health hazards related to Covid-19 due to the lack of sanitizing conducted throughout the facility.

Alleged Hazards: 1, Employees Exposed: 6
Source: | Receipt Date: 2021-06-01

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #3660saintstephensroad #prichard #alabama #unitedstates

1) Covid Unit - Employees are indicating yes to multiple Covid-19 questions during their beginning shift screening and are not being sent home to quarantine until they receive the test results. The employees are told to double mask and continue working in the Covid unit.

Alleged Hazards:… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #4525saintstephensroad #prichard #alabama #unitedstates