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Safety Report: Covid-19 شكوى OSHA, Brown Industries Inc, 205 W Industrial Blvd, Dalton, GA 30720, USA

منذ 3 سنوات عمل

التقرير التنظيمي

205 West Industrial Boulevard, Dalton, 30720 Georgia, United States

1. Approximately 120 employees are exposed to struck-by hazards, in that the employer has leaning and unbanded sheet metal stacked up above 6 feet high in hallway. Location: Hallway 2. Approximately 120 employees are exposed to health hazards associated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in that the employer is not implementing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines including face masks, quarantining employees with COVID-19, and advising co-workers when they may have been exposed to a contagious individual. Location: Throughout the Plant 3. Approximately 120 employees are exposed to Trip and fall hazards, in that the employer has drop cords across walking aisles and surfaces. Location: Throughout the Plant 4. Approximately 120 employees are exposed to safety hazards, in that the fire extinguishers are blocked. Location: Between the Trumpf Lasers, Wire Department and Mig Weld Booth 5. Approximately 120 employees are exposed to safety hazards, in that the employer has multiple unguarded machinery, to include but not limited to Pines Bender, Drill Press, Trumpf Laser, Brake Press, Mig Welders and Belt Sanders. Location: In the Tubing, Wire Department and Mig Welding area 6. Approximately 120 employees are exposed to safety hazards, in that the employer has multiple machinery to include but not limited to Pines Bender, 3 Multi-presses, Brake press, that is not bolted to the floor. Location: Tubing Area, Wiring Department and Maintenance Shop 7. Approximately 120 employees are exposed to safety hazards, in that the employer has not trained and certified personnel to operate power industrial truck.

Alleged Hazards: 7, Employees Exposed: 120
Source: Osha.gov | Receipt Date: 2020-11-03

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #westindustrialboulevard #dalton #georgia #unitedstates

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