User profile: user-wjbd7778


我在邮件中收到了一个包裹。它装在来自 Paulette Douglas 14772 BellFlower Blvd Ca 90706 的白色运输袋里。这是一枚装在红色戒指盒里的戒指,上面有 GRA moissanite 的真品证书。我的银行账户没有收到任何额外费用,但我确实看到了订单的费用。关于我的订单,我已经向这家公司回复了好几次。以下是交换的对话:

“M-SHOP #zalenddi1976 发货状态更新至:zalenddi1976,Paulette Douglas 我在邮件中收到了一个包裹,上面有这个追踪编码:AG82776****。包裹里没有我订购的东西。我的 JC Penny 订单附在这封电子邮件中。我收到的是一枚显然没有订购的戒指。我想知道你怎么能纠正这个问题?当我搜索试图弄清楚这个问题时,我发现了很多投诉,这是个骗局。我还通过 Safely HQ 发出了投诉。谢谢,XXXXXX

美国东部时间 2023 年 7 月 1 日星期六凌晨… 更多


Safety Report: 我没有订购的带有戒指的包裹, 14772 Bellflower Blvd, Bellflower, CA, USA

I received on also! This is what I have done so far:

JC Penny Clearance sale M-SHOP Order zalenddi1976 M-SHOP#zalenddi1976

I report this to Safely HQ

Here is your form transcript

Location Paulette Douglas 14772 BellFlower Blvd Bellflower Ca 90706
Title Received a package I didn’t order lady ring
Details I received a package in the mail. It came in a white shipping bag from Paulette Douglas 14772 BellFlower Blvd Bellflower Ca 90706. It was a ring in a red ring box with GRA moissanite certificate of authenticity. I have not seen any charges to my banking accounts.
Safely HQ

Here is a copy of my email:


Paulette Douglas

I received a package in the mail with this tracking number: AG827763034CN. The package did not have anything in it that I ordered. My order is attached to this email. What I did get was a ring that I clearly did not order. I would like to know how you can correct this problem?

As I searched trying to figure this out I found numerous complaints and that this is a scam. I have also sent a complaint through Safely HQ.

Portia Erickson

I received a reply back:

Dear Customer,

I have verified your order with our staff.
Please be assured that this order is a gift to you to verify that the address you entered is correct and to reduce the risk of your order not being delivered correctly.
We have confirmed that your address is accurate, and we have arranged to reship it to you. (no extra cost)
1. Will you sign for the second package? Please let us know your idea.
2. If you are unwilling to wait and will refuse the second package, please tell us, and we will continue to negotiate other solutions
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us here, and we will help you solve the problem, please rest assured.

Best regards,
Customer Service Center

Here is my response to her email:

Dear Lynn,

I am confused about why you claim that my order was returned. I rechecked the order I sent and the address on it is correct. I have received multiple packages at this address without any issues.

Sending me a gift to verify the correct address is a scam. I am extremely frustrated! I ordered the items for my vacation in plenty of time for them to arrive before I left. I had to do some last minute shopping that I did not have time for just before I left on vacation.

Here is what I purpose: My order is already packaged and ready to ship. I want the package expedited to arrive within 5 business days at your cost so that maybe I can enjoy my items before summer is over.

I will not settle for anything less. If you are unwilling to do this then I want a full refund and I expect it to show up in my account within 3 business days.

Frustrated customer,

Safety Report: 保莱特·道格拉斯, Bellflower, CA, USA

昨天我收到了同一个人发来的戒指,但我没有订购。你发现账户上有任何费用吗?你的是来自 temu 的吗?