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Safety Reports: South El Monte, California, United States


Recent Reports

Paulette Douglas; 1532 Santa Anita Ave South El Monte, CA. 91733 is the return address on the white padded envelope. I need to make sure I was not charged with this ring!!

Im in Berea, KY, USA

#unorderedpackage #1532santaanitaavenue #southelmonte #california #us

I received a ring I did not order and it came from Paullette Douglas
1532 Santa Anita Ave
South El Monte, CA 91733
It says GRA Moissanite
Global Gemological Research Academy

Im in Fridley, MN, USA

#unorderedpackage #gramoissaniteringscam #delivery #1532santaanitaavenue #southelmonte #california #us

I received a package today it is a plastic coated small package with a fake diamond ring in it. never ordered it. I don't order a lot of things on the internet so it had to come from 1 of 3 places. I once ordered from a… See more

#scam #onlineshopping #onlinescam #delivery #southelmonte #california #us

T8CCR 5097(a), 3380(f) - Dust collection system attached to manufacturing equipment is too loud. Ear plugs are provided but not ear muffs.

Alleged Hazards: 1, Employees Exposed: 12
Source: | Receipt Date: 2021-07-21

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #2103seamanavenue #southelmonte #california #us