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Safety Reports: El Centro, California, United States


Recent Reports

T8 CCR 3205(c)(11)(A)(3) Human Resource Department employee who have tested positive for COVID-19, have returned to work prior to 10 days since symptoms first appeared. T8 CCR 3205(c)(10) Employees that have tested positive for COVID-19 are allowed to continue working, placing other employees at risk. T8 CCR… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #866rossavenue #elcentro #california #us

T8 CCR 3203(a) Employer is operating indoors in the evenings, not following County Safety Orders to prevent COVID-19.

Alleged Hazards: 1, Employees Exposed: 1
Source: | Receipt Date: 2020-10-12

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #1470weststatestreet #elcentro #california #us

T8 CCR 3205(c)(6) The employer's methods of physical distancing are not adequate. There are large groups of employees throughout the facility.

Alleged Hazards: 1, Employees Exposed: 150
Source: | Receipt Date: 2021-02-16

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #866rossavenue #elcentro #california #us

T8 CCR 3205(c)(8) Plexiglass barrier provided on regular buses are not large enough to protect drivers from infectious or potentially infectious particles expelled by passengers. Passengers regularly peak around the barriers to interact with drivers. Plastic shower curtains are used on the shuttle buses and obscure the… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #792westrossroad #elcentro #california #us

T8 CCR 3205(c)(3) Workers are not being notified of positive cases within store. T8 CCR 3205(c)(6) Customer limit is over capacity making harder to social distance.

Alleged Hazards: 2, Employees Exposed: 1
Source: | Receipt Date: 2020-12-31

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #lowes #2053northimperialavenue #elcentro #california #us

T8 CCR 3205(c)(3)(B) Over 5 employees with positive COVID-19 diagnosis in November/ December. Employer does not have a system in place to alert other employees who were in close contact after a positive diagnosis. T8 CCR 3205(c)(7)(A) Employee congregate in break rooms and don't wear face coverings,… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #3351southdogwoodroad #elcentro #california #us

T8 CCR 3205(c)(10) Employer is not excluding employees with COVID-19 exposure from workplace for 14 days after the last know COVID-19 exposure. T8 CCR 3205(c)(3) The employer system for communicating does not include information on testing and rights for employees to stay at home if exposed.

Alleged… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #866rossavenue #elcentro #california #us

T8 CCR 3205(c)(8)(C) Employer does not have a process in place for cleaning and disinfecting the vehicles after use by the mechanics or drivers.

Alleged Hazards: 1, Employees Exposed: 1
Source: | Receipt Date: 2020-12-22

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #603eastmainstreet #elcentro #california #us

T8 CCR 3205(c)(2)(D)(2) Not enforcing occupancy control , hand sanitizer and sanitizing shopping cart for customers. T8 CCR 3205(c)(3)(A) No contact tracing for employees that tested positive. T8 CCR 3205(c)(3)(B)(3) No notification to employees of employees exposure to positive cases in the workplace.

Alleged Hazards: 3, Employees… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #vons #osha #750northimperialavenue #elcentro #california #us