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Safety Reports: Prince Edward Island, Canada


I ordered a heated vest XL on Amazon for $59.95 plus shipping $1195 for a total of $71.90 and when it came it was to small and two of them for a charge of &278.96 and it was payed to Techwidget which is at Shenzhen Rongjing unit#16-17 3495 Laind Road Mississauga Ontario L5L 585

#scam #onlineshopping #delivery #onlinescam #vernonbridge #princeedwardisland #canada

Five Star Shellfish Inc. has issued a recall for its Malpeque brand Large Standard Oysters due to a potential contamination with generic E. coli. The product was distributed in Prince Edward Island in Canada.

The recalled product is:
- The Large Standard Oysters
- Under the Malpeque… See more

#princeedwardisland #canada #e.coli

Yarene facebook ad . The ad is long gone so no idea what the site is. Only thing I have is Exulio. Also support@badgecool.con and

Ordered folding chairs, received a email saying they were delivered, went to mailbox and it was a ratchet screwdriver. I sent… See more

#scam #delivery #facebookscam #charlottetown #princeedwardisland #canada