Employees are exposed to respiratory health hazards specifically the SARS-Co-V2 virus. The employer is not conducting any contact tracing among employees in the dock, the registry room, AE Flat Sorter Section, Automation and postage due room. OSHA Applicable Standard: 5(a)(1) of the OSH Act. Employees are exposed…
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Employees are exposed to respiratory hazards specifically SARS Co-V2 virus. Employer is not enforcing CDC guidelines specifically contract tracing, the use of facial coverings and disinfecting workspaces. OSHA Applicable Standard: 5(1) of the OSH Act.
1. Employees are exposed to COVID-19 due to the employer not enforcing / providing personal protective equipment. Potential OSHA Standard: OSH Act Section 5(a)(1)
3. Employees are exposed to COVID-19 due to the employer not sanitizing the building following reported employee illness. Potential OSHA Standard: OSH Act…
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