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What's the probability of dying from coronavirus if I get it?

The case fatality rate (deaths/cases) or CFR after contracting COVID-19 is 2.3% overall, based on data from the most comprehensive study of actual cases in China through February 11, 2020.  However, the rate varies most significantly on age and pre-existing conditions.  The study ( was conducted by Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on 44,672 confirmed COVID-19 cases in China.  It provided overall CFRs for each age group and pre-existing condition (displayed in blue in our chart).  We used this data to provide a crude probability of death by age & pre-existing condition, in the absence of more official estimates.

Other fatality rate estimates have emerged since, including the 3.4% from the WHO as of March 3, 2020.  As such, the probabilities displayed should be scaled according as better estimates emerge.