Safety Reports: Parkin, Arkansas, United States
Residents are advised to boil water due to an order in effect in the Cross County town of Parkin. According to the Mayor of the City, workers had repaired a burned-out power panel and that water was once again flowing. Customers are advised to boil water before…
Boil Water, 306 Voyles Drive apt 3, Parkin, AR, USA
1 year ago •reported by user-jyyj1249 • details
The residents of Parkin are getting sick from the water and have been for so long that the majority of them have given up hopes of a remedy by speaking to the city council and voicing their concerns so they have just stopped drinking the water, completely.…
A boil order has been put in effect for the city of Parkin.
Published: 2022-08-10
Published: 2022-08-10