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Safety Reports: Smiths Station, Alabama, United States


Power Outage, Lee Road 316, Smiths Station, AL, USA

1 year ago source details

News Report

On Jan 16th, there was a power outage affecting residents living along Lee Road 316 and near South Smiths Station Elementary School. Alabama Power reported that the outage affected 171 customers and that power should be restored by midnight.

Outage link:
Published: 2024-01-16

#poweroutage #alabamapower #leeroad316 #smithsstation #alabama #unitedstates

1. Employees are exposed to burn hazards due to the employer requiring the cleaning of the grill while it is hot. 2. Employees are exposed to burn hazards due to the fryer catching fire and the fire suppression system being inoperable. 3. Employees are exposed to slip/trip… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #9063leecounty246 #smithsstation #alabama #unitedstates