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Safety Report: Mirtazipine (aka: Remeron), Hawaii, USA

3 months ago reported by user-ktkpg736

Mirtazipine (aka: Remeron), Hawaii, USA

Hawaii, United States

I am a 62yr old with plenty of driving experience. I have never had a traffic ticket in my life. Within a day or two of using Mirtapine (Remeron,) my ears filled with extreme pressure. I could hear my every heart beat, loudly in my ears, as well as every breath I took sou ded like my breaths were going in/out through my ears. Whenever I talked, my voice echoed, making conversations terribly awkward. I made a doctor appt. to report the side effect. I do not know the back roads in downtown Hilo. All the streets have names I cannot pronouncs and theere is a big lake that you must drive around. My car does not show what direction I am driving (N,S,E,W) and I frequently lose my bnearings and get lost, unleess I use a Map App. The Mirtazapine Warning stafes, "Can. Cause Sudden Permanent Hearing Loss." I could not hear my cell phone audio map directing me when/where to turn. I had to hold my cellnear my chest to hear. My car is not equipped to transmit cell phones via Bluetooth. I did not have earphones b/c I can ususally hear my audio hen my cell is attached to a holder clipped to an air vent. I. only use my cell for emergencies or if I a, lost. I rarely use it for calls/texts, as we have a landline and I am a homebody, rarely leaving my house. A policeman next to me at a red light, noticed the cell in my hand. I had no idea it was illegal to jold it to hear th audio map guide me to my destination. He pulled me over and issued me a $357 ticket for holding my cell. I explained I was going to a doctor due to hearing loss from a medication I recently was prescribed and needed to use Maps App to audio guide me so I would not be late. I offered to let him look at my call and text log but he declined. He said to tell it to the judge.

#drugs #hawaii #unitedstates

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