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Safety Report: Coronavirus - Northern Georgia, Georgia

4 years ago reported by user-ybcp5756

Coronavirus - Northern Georgia, Georgia


I believe I contracted it right in the clinic I went to on Dec 26th. At that time there was nothing known about CV19! I believe many people had it in Dec and just was told it was the reg Flu..It may not have been. I came down with my symptoms on Jan 6th. Throat felt strange but not sore. The next day I had a fever and a strange type of productive cough. I did not have sore throat or sinus issues or no runny nose. Just bad cough, chest felt very weird nothing like it before in my life. Fever was 102 for 4 weeks. I thought the cough would never go away. It lingered for two more weeks up to mid Feb. I had gone to my Dr on Jan 16 but I don't think they knew about the CV19 yet...thus did not test me and did not have any tests for it anyway! They did test me for reg flu and said it did not show I had reg flu. I was told to wear a mask and stay home. I was not able to take the RX for flu b/c it nauseated me. I took Tylenol and Alka seltzer stayed home for 4 to 6 weeks until the cough was gone. My Dr and I agree I probably had the CV19. I have never felt that type of chest cough and never get a fever if I am ever sick which is not often as I am very healthy. I am 64 years old. Blood type O+. I mention my blood type because they have found blood type A seems to have a worse type of CV19. It is highly contagious indeed. Good thing I wore my mask. I think I am immune now. I feel great. Again I think many people had it in was just too new and China did not announce this flu until the end of Dec. I never get any types of shots but from now on I sure will. | Symptoms: Nausea

#coronaviruscovid19 #blood #ge

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