User profile: user-tprpk247


我通过这个网站订购了几件我认为是 JCPenny 的商品。花费了 52.95 美元。经过数周的等待,我终于收到了他们的回复,说已经送达。我还关注了以 **** 开头的追踪号码,系统显示包裹是由 USPO 配送的。广告上说联邦快递将成为承运人。现在他们声称该包裹已签收,但我立即回复说我没有收到。我要求提供所谓签名的证据,现在他们提供 30% 的退款。不可接受,所以我会继续用电子邮件轰炸他们。对于所有陷入这个骗局的人,我深表歉意。我最近遇到了严重的健康问题,很期待收到我订购的衣服。我知道对这些诈骗者无能为力,也不会采取任何行动,但希望人们能阅读这篇文章,在从此类网站订购时三思而后行。希望我能先做更多的研究。


Safety Report: 诈骗警报-JCP USA&CA 欺骗了我们, Jcpusa&ca

Same thing happened to me. Now they are offering a 30% refund. Even though ad said free refund for 90 days. I have not received my order, but the tracking number/ info shows it was delivered by the United States post office. Original order said FEDEX would deliver. Tracking number also starts with AT. I'm so angry, because i thought too that it was JCPenny. No more online orders for me.