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Safety Reports: Aptos, California, United States


Power Outage, Aptos, Santa Cruz County, CA, USA

9 months ago source details

News Report

PG&E reported a power outage impacting 1,943 customers in the Aptos and Polo Grounds Park area in Santa Cruz County on Friday afternoon Apr 19. The outage started at 12:5 p.m. PDT. PG&E is investigating the cause of the outage. The estimated time for restoration is 4:15… See more

#poweroutage #pgepacificgasandelectric #aptos #california #unitedstates

Power outage due to weather storm and I need nebulizer treatments and my insurance is not valid in Santa Cruz county till April 1 st. Don't want to end up in the emergency room with bills I can't pay. I'm 69 on SSDI.

#poweroutage #clauscourt #aptos #california #unitedstates

Power Outage, Aptos, California 95003, USA

2 years ago source details

News Report

A power outage is impacting 5,581 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. customers in Aptos, the company's outage map shows. The utility's website says the outage was caused by a car hitting a pole just before 8 p.m. A repair crew has been dispatched to the scene, according… See more

#poweroutage #pgepacificgasandelectric #aptos #california #unitedstates

Power Outage, Aptos, CA 95003, USA

2 years ago source details

News Report

Nearly 2,000 residents in the Aptos area in Santa Cruz County are waking up with no power. PG&E says the outage was first reported around 3:50 a.m. In south Santa Clara County, more than 2,000 homes are also without power.

Outage link: power.PG

Published: 2022-05-20

#poweroutage #pgepacificgasandelectric #aptos #california #unitedstates

Potential concern regarding lack of contact tracing and overall Covid Prevention Program. Title 8 CCR Sections 3203, & 3205

Alleged Hazards: 1, Employees Exposed: 1
Source: | Receipt Date: 2020-12-30

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #1860viapacifica #aptos #california #unitedstates