New Jersey,
United States
So… I'm 24 years old and I tested positive for COVID-19. I've been debating on posting this all week, however decided it was best to share my experience. I believe it's important to create awareness about the symptoms that may occur, medications that can be utilized and most importantly relieve any stress/anxiety that may exist during such unprecedented times. We know that stress weakens our immune system while a positive mindset boosts it. We need to win the mental battle so we can win the physical battle. To give you hindsight, this was one of the more mild viruses I've had in my life. If I can make it through it, you can too!!
Day 1: It all started with allergy like symptoms. Woke up groggy, a little lethargic, and very minimal sore throat. However, nothing out of the blue.
Day 2: Went to the gym with my best friend and felt a little off. Again, nothing alarming. Merely allergy like symptoms. Throat became increasingly sore with eye pain (weird I know). I began to think maybe I had a cold, so I took 50,000 IU's of D3 as precaution.
Day 3: Energy levels started to drop fast. Throat felt very sore and I was extremely lethargic. Eyes felt very heavy. Again nothing too crazy, just common cold symptoms. I rested most of the day and went to sleep.
Day 4: This is when symptoms began to amplify. I woke up with 101 degree fever, coupled with chills/aches. I began to realize I had a flu of some sort. I began taking Advil & Tylenol and rotated them every 6 hours (dose was 3-4 capsules). I also began testing a 16 hour fast.
Day 5: (Test Day): Upon awakening I called my doctor to get tested for COVID-19. He had a team and tents outside waiting for me upon arrival. After my screening, I was prescribed Tamiflu. At this point, I had no fever. However, I went home and began running a temperature...all night (100 degrees). At this point, I experienced no cough or shortness of breathe. A common symptom for most.
Day 6 : Woke in the morning drenched with a terrible fever. PLEASE NOTE - Fevers seemed extreme in the mornings (4AM - 8AM). This was a consistent trend. I've never woke up in that much sweat before. This stood out to me greatly...During the entire day I ran a fever on and off (98 - 100). Given research and solid data from French doctors, I stopped taking Advil (Ibuprofen). At this point, I experienced no cough or shortness of breathe. A common symptom for most.
Day 7 (Results came in): Woke up again drenched, but no fever. My body was beginning to break the fever naturally (Great news!!!). In the afternoon, energy levels began to restore and I was feeling much better. In the evening, I found out my test was POSTIVE....It took me 5 days to get my results back given the testing mechanism that is currently being used. Additionally, LabCorp test are backlogged.
Day 8 & 9 : No fever, no cough, slight sore throat, slight back pain (believe this was maybe due to being in bed for so long - nothing extreme). Energy began to restore to moderate levels. Day 9, I began having slight pressure in my chest, and mild sniffles....However back pain has discontinued. I'm still experiencing slight chest pressure. I stopped fasting to determine how I feel with & without a fast.