Interview - Doctor in Paris, France:
This is a first-hand account from a SafelyHQ user that is a medical professional on the coronavirus situation in France. She discusses how her work has changed since the start of the pandemic, work rotations and testing for medical professionals, and issues facing patients and medical professionals.
I'm a pediatric resident and I work in a pediatric hospital. I was working in the genetics unit and it's mostly outpatient and non-intensive care, so we were actually closed down last week. Just because most of us are pediatricians and so we were kind of needed elsewhere. So I decided to stop working because of my pregnancy. But then all my other colleagues are still working and they're actually now, at home, confined at home and they're waiting to be called to different departments are probably either the ER or intensive care unit and from what they understand for now, they just have to stay home and rest. And they're going to be called out probably next week when the first wave of doctors start being a little tired, probably hospitalized because they themselves are sick. So right now they're mostly, resting at home. And then I know that our unit, so was shut down and a lot of other non-urgent care at our hospital was shut down and everything is being reorganized so that we have Covid units. And so at the hospital I work in, is actually a pediatric hospital, but they're going to open an adult Covid unit just because obviously adults are more affected than children are.
Are there any changes as a pediatrician?
In most maternity at least in Paris, the dads aren't allowed in the delivery room or in the hospital at all for now. So things are pretty rough on new moms right now. And I know that we're also kind of being slowly prepared that we're probably not going to be able to have an epidural just because there won't be any doctors available. So, getting prepared for maybe a rough delivery for most new moms right now, at least new Parisian moms.
Is testing easy for people to get so far or has it been a problem for some people. And how do things look like on that front?
So, in our hospital it's very easy for all medical, staff if they have any of the symptoms to get tested. It's very, very easy. I know that for patients we only test patients that are unstable or in very critical care. Just because we can't afford to test everyone, but staff is definitely prioritized and we're all told we can get tested as easily if we want to. Or if I mean, not if you want to obviously if you have symptoms.
Did you know anyone who has got diagnosed with coronavirus?
Yeah, actually, I already have a couple of friends who are staying at home because they have it. One of my, well actually he is also a pediatric resident is at home right now with, well he's getting tested today, but it's most likely Covid. His wife was tested and got tested positive after having a five day fever. And now he has a fever since yesterday, so he did his test today. So very, very likely, also Covid positive. And so his wife is also a medical resident who probably got it working at the ER and then he got it through her.
Being in the medical field and seeing what, the medical field is doing in France and learning about, about coronavirus. And having some friends who have it, do you have any, messages that you, they have for people who want to learn more?
I think just the best thing is to stay informed on what's happening on reliable sites because I know there's a lot of misinformation out there and just do what they can to stay home. Because the big wave is going to come. And I know all my friends in the hospitals are getting as ready as they can, but I'm sure you've heard that there already some parts of France that are in a very, very complicated situation where they're already out of machines for like life support machines and out of room in intensive care units. And so hopefully Paris doesn't get there, but we never know. And it all kind of just relies on people really being careful and staying home and I know everyone wants to go outside to buy their bread and whatever, but it's always a risk. And just be mindful that, yeah, doctors are doing the best they can. And I know I have friends that are pharmacist and other things like that that are complaining because they don't have masks or they're not protected. But the truth is doctors rarely have mask as well, and everyone's of kind of going through it as they can and doing the best they can. So yeah, that's the message. I think just relax, stay at home and know that everyone is trying to get organized and do the best they can, and it's obviously not perfect, but it is what it is for now.