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Safety Report: Coronavirus Symptoms, Nebraska, USA

4 years ago reported by user-zrdb1535

Coronavirus Symptoms, Nebraska, USA

Nebraska, United States

Timeline of the virus. coronavirus I had a so throat last week which I attributed to having had dental work, I did have a runny nose in the morning. On Sunday, my chest felt itchy/tight. On Monday, I had a fever with the tightness but I didn't take my temp. Timeline of coronavirus Tuesday I woke up with a noticeable heavy feeling and tightness when I take a breath. Fever 100.6. I run cold my normal temp is 97.4. I have a cough but it's not all the time. I call the doctor and tell them my symptoms a nurse calls me back and is nice and after discussing my symptoms, she tells me how to treat the virus at home; vitamin c, lots of rest and fluids, she says the cough will get worse and I'm to stay home and call of I get substantially worse.

#coronaviruscovid19 #nebraska #us

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