User profile: user-kckb8285

Joined: 1 year ago


United States

Cities visited:




Safety Report: SCAM Best Buy on Facebook, Callahan, FL, USA

I ordered an Electric bicycle for my Grandson's Birthday on June 24th. For 3 weeks the company said that my package was received in at least 20 package stops in China. Then customs seized it, because of course they did.

It was only after I filed a report here that I learned that the company is in Georgia.
I live in Alabama. Not an unpleasant drive to Georgia. I am the person who will drive to Georgia.
I need an address.
They said that I received polarized sunglasses by mistake and I couldn't have my bicycle until I returned the non existent sunglasses.

Safety Report: Aoppuy Scam, Georgia, USA

I ordered the bicycle for my Grandson on June 24th. They are offering me a 20% refund on the $50.00 bicycle because they lost money because I kept the sunglasses that never existed. Does Costco know that Aoppuy is using their name and logo? I bought it using Facebook Marketplace but they won't remove the ad. I also ordered an unclaimed pallet from Amazon Prime on the same day. THAT company immediately tried to drain my bank account. Thank God I used PayPal with Aoppuy because I just cancelled the card and ordered a new one. My bank recognized the scam and froze my account. Which Government agency should I report this to?