User profile: user-trvdt819

Joined: 11 months ago


United States

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Safety Report: Scam Package from Alberto Hernandez, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA

Same thing here. Received a package from same guy and address. No idea who it is but it was a pair of jeans I definitely didn’t order. No idea how this person got my address or if I was charged. I order a lot of things from Amazon mostly so I don’t know what I ordered from to receive this.

Safety Report: Scam Package from Alberto Hernandez, 8615 Pecan Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA

The same thing happened to me today. I received a package from an Alberto Hernandez in Rancho Cucamongo, CA containing a pair of jeans I definitely did not order.

Safety Report: Unordered Package from Alberto Hernandez, Pecan Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA

I just had the same thing happen to me today. Received a package with jeans that I did order from the same name and address you reported. Alberto Hernandez Rancho Cucamongo, CA. No idea what to with this and if my card was charged.