The same thing happened to me because of an advertisement on Facebook for an alleged Amazon page. Ignore these kinds of advertisements or those that say cash on delivery, because they may be empty packages or non-original products
I almost fell too. It saved me because it was against delivery.
I checked the manufacturer's website and I could see that the value offered was much lower than that of the manufacturer.
That's why I didn't want to pay for it and I returned it
Safety Report: I ordered items from Bed Bath and Beyond June 28th and 29th. As of today, nothing has been received., Torrance, CA, USA
The bank can't do anything in these cases, as far as I know
Safety Report: 2 outdoor rocking chairs, Zakon Road, Torrance, CA, USA
Only official Mercado Libre pages and maybe Amazon and Ebay
Safety Report: Scammed from a Facebook Ad - ACQRAjescaword, Portland, Oregon, USA
The same thing happened to me because of an advertisement on Facebook for an alleged Amazon page. Ignore these kinds of advertisements or those that say cash on delivery, because they may be empty packages or non-original products
Safety Report: Online Scam, Bon Secour, AL, USA
I almost fell too. It saved me because it was against delivery.
I checked the manufacturer's website and I could see that the value offered was much lower than that of the manufacturer.
That's why I didn't want to pay for it and I returned it
Safety Report: I ordered sabotage via Facebook and received no information about the shipment, לא בטוח
The same thing happened to me