My friend received another piece of the same cardboard fish box. Hers has the recipe and ingredients for some sort of fish with vinegar. Shipped from the same address. She lives in Louisiana. So weird…
My friend received another piece of the same cardboard fish box. Hers has the recipe and ingredients for some sort of fish with vinegar. Shipped from the same address. She lives in Louisiana. So weird…
Safety Report: Cardboard piece received in mail, 1007 Bryn Mawr Drive, Papillion, NE 68046, United States
My friend received another piece of the same cardboard fish box. Hers has the recipe and ingredients for some sort of fish with vinegar. Shipped from the same address. She lives in Louisiana. So weird…
Safety Report: Empty Package, 1007 Bryn Mawr Drive, Papillion, NE, USA
My friend received another piece of the same cardboard fish box. Hers has the recipe and ingredients for some sort of fish with vinegar. Shipped from the same address. She lives in Louisiana. So weird…