I received the same ring... think its from ordering some Judy Blue jeans off a facebook website? Did anyone else order from a sale website on facebook? I have disputed my charges.
did you happen to order Judy Blue jeans or something similar off a facebook website? I received the same ring and think that this is the scam. I am now disputing charges on my credit card
Safety Report: a moissnte ring i neverordered., a moissnte ring i neverordered.
I received the same ring... think its from ordering some Judy Blue jeans off a facebook website? Did anyone else order from a sale website on facebook? I have disputed my charges.
Safety Report: A ring from global gemological research academy, 21460 yellow brick rd walnut ca 91789
did you happen to order Judy Blue jeans or something similar off a facebook website? I received the same ring and think that this is the scam. I am now disputing charges on my credit card