I received a calligraphy pen set via USPS from Online Seller originating from a China Post-Routed from "Online Seller" 3837 Bay Lake Trail #113, North Las Vegas NV 89030. I never ordered this. I have no clue how or why I received this. Will check my bank to see if any transactions have been routed to either party.
Safety Report: Empty Package, Online Seller Scam 3837 Bay Lake Trail #113, North Las Vegas, NV 89030, 3837 Bay Lake Trail #113, North Las Vegas, NV 89030, USA
I received a calligraphy pen set via USPS from Online Seller originating from a China Post-Routed from "Online Seller" 3837 Bay Lake Trail #113, North Las Vegas NV 89030. I never ordered this. I have no clue how or why I received this. Will check my bank to see if any transactions have been routed to either party.