24006 East 19th Avenue, Aurora, CO, USA
4 minutes ago
Unfortunately I was also scammed like so many other people; on February 14, 2023 I made an order for $55.52 USD, very quickly they withdrew the money from the credit card. To date 14/03/2023 I have only received 2 CHIP engagement rings, with delivery address; not far from home. I called the place and they had no idea what I was talking about. They are very good at ripping off vulnerable people.
Safety Report: Dreambones Twist, Deleon Springs, De Leon Springs, FL, USA
24006 East 19th Avenue, Aurora, CO, USA
4 minutes ago
Unfortunately I was also scammed like so many other people; on February 14, 2023 I made an order for $55.52 USD, very quickly they withdrew the money from the credit card. To date 14/03/2023 I have only received 2 CHIP engagement rings, with delivery address; not far from home. I called the place and they had no idea what I was talking about. They are very good at ripping off vulnerable people.