About the alerts in your area
Apart from our reporting platform where you can report suspected safety issues on a particular location or related to a specific product or service; we also offer our users the possibility to stay informed about these issues through our email subscription service.
Our email subscriptions will send you an email notification of the most recent incidents reported in your area. Apart from the issues described above we also consolidate the information from different sources about active product recalls, regulatory inspection results, and more.
How do I subscribe to this service?
The process is pretty simple, provide us your email address and the city/area you are interested in our subscription form and we will handle the rest.
If you are reporting a safety incident, you can opt-in to get these alerts.
How often will I get emails?
Our regular email subscription frequency is weekly, which includes the top alerts for your city and nationwide signals. However, we can also send you daily or monthly alerts if you prefer.How do I stop getting these alerts?
We are sorry to see you go, but, if you wish to stop getting our emails, there is an unsubscribe button at the bottom of your email, you can click it any time. Alternatively, you can email us using our contact form, and we will unsubscribe you manually.