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Safety Report: Segunda rodada de sintomas de coronavírus, Kent, UK

há 4 anos

Segunda rodada de sintomas de coronavírus, Kent, UK

England, United Kingdom

I've had this "second round" of Coronavirus symptoms for over 3 weeks now. On final day of antibiotics. I'm not like hacking up mucus and shit though so I don't know if I have pnumonia.. it's just that my chest is still heavy and breathing is still short and isn't improving. I think our country has done an absolutely terrible job when it comes to properly testing and diagnosing people. It's causing not just to our statistics to be wildly inaccurate, but also carriers are assuming they don't have it and are going out shopping and spreading it.

My dad still at this point does not believe I have Coronavirus. He has been near me loads of times, and he has not picked up any symptoms. My mum has been near me, she had mild symptoms for a couple of days twice (a two week period inbetween each run of it).

My local hospital told me they just don't have swabs to test with, which means they are either being under supplied, or are they are using them purely for medical staff and extreme cases. It's not good enough.

My local GP wants nothing to do with me and just tell me to ring 111. They just tell me to self isolate. Clinician has been most helpful, but they can't give me chest xrays and shit over the phone so they can't accurately diagnose me and know how to continue treatment.

All of this uncertainty is getting to me. I'm having bouts where my symptoms get worse and I honestly can't tell if it's my body getting worse or if I am panicking and it's anxiety exacerbating symptoms. I'm just in this perpetual guessing game with too much time to ponder

Right now, I'm on day 5 of Amoxycillin. 2 more pills to take. My breathing has been sucky today quite possibly because I'm anxious as the pills have done nothing and I still have symptoms. It's making my dizzy and nauseous, and my chest pain sucks. | Sintomas: Dor no peito, Náusea, Tontura, Muco nas fezes

#coronaviruscovid19 #england #unitedkingdom

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