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Train station


T8CCR 3203(a) - Passenger conductor unable to social distance while checking passenger tickets. Conductor unable to refuse service to passengers without facial coverings. Conductor unable to social distance while riding in a van to the hotel. Employer does not enforce face masks for employees.

Alleged Hazards: 1,… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #800northalamedastreet #losangeles #california #unitedstates

'- In the Engineer Department 103 three employees last week tested positive for COVID and 1 hospitalized and the 2 others are quarantined. There is no contact tracing for the other employees and there are 15 employees in close proximity with eachother. There is no cleaning service.… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #525eaststreet #rensselaer #newyork #unitedstates

T8 CCR § 3203(a) - Each employee (train attendant) 0is being assigned to three coach cars with 60 upstairs seats and 12 downstairs seats (total of 216 seats with every other seat normally occupied). The train attendants have to clean four cars (including the observation car) which… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #800northalamedastreet #losangeles #california #unitedstates

Title 8 CCR 3205 - On October 26, 2020 train conductors were told to resume passenger ticket inspections. These inspections had been halted in March 2020 due to COVID-19. The inspectors are now exposed to all passengers, even those not wearing masks. The inspectors cannot maintain 6-foot… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #800northalamedastreet #losangeles #california #unitedstates